Yes, You Really Need to Use Broad Spectrum Sunscreen

SolRX is here to help break it down for you: use a broad spectrum sunscreen. Doctors recommend this type of sunscreen for daily use because, when applied appropriately, it actually protects the skin from a broad spectrum of the sun’s rays.
Yes, There’s More to Skin Protection than Sunburn Prevention.
Okay, so things get a little science-geeky when explaining sunrays. (We love science geeks because we are science geeks, but everyone needs to use sunscreen, not just those of us who are really into science and chemistry.)
First, there are the light rays that we see: sunlight. But, there are also several different types of rays that we can’t see: ultraviolet radiation. We can’t see them because they have shorter wave lengths than visible light. There are three types of ultraviolet radiation: UVC, UVB, UVA, and broad spectrum sunscreens help protect against each of them.
UVC rays are absorbed by the Earth’s ozone before reaching our skin, so we don’t need to concern ourselves with these guys when talking about sunscreen.
A is for Aging; B is for Burning.
Here’s the thing, UVA rays are always able to reach the Earth’s surface. They can penetrate clouds and glass, so we need to protect ourselves every day – even on cloudy, rainy days and days spent indoors. The Environmental Protection Agency believes that 90 percent of skin changes associated with aging (such as wrinkles) are actually a result of UVA exposure!
UVB rays are the ones that cause the reddening and burning. They vary in intensity depending on the time of day and the season and they are able to bounce off reflective surfaces like ice and snow.
To sum it up, even if you aren’t getting burned, if you are in the sun unprotected you are being exposed to those damaging UVA rays, so be sure to lather up with a protective broad spectrum sunscreen for UVA/UVB Protection.