The Story Behind SolRX 8 Hour WATERBLOCK® Technology

You hear a lot of jargon in the retail world, and it can be pretty meaningless. “Natural” foods, for example, can refer to pretty much any grocery-store items that don’t look neon blue. But when we at SolRX talk about our patented WATERBLOCK® technology, we’re not trying to confuse you or make you think our sunscreen is something it’s not. We are simply telling you how effective our sunscreen is, and that it’s been verified by rigorous testing methods to make sure it’s as useful as possible for serious athletes and vacationers alike.
Water-Resistant Sunscreen Standards
According to the Food and Drug Administration, sunscreens can be labeled “water resistant” if they are tested according to the required SPF procedures, and pass inspection. Water resistant sunscreens are always required to state how long they’ll last if you’re exposed to water through swimming, sweating, or in some other way. This number for most over-the-counter sunscreens is normally 40 minutes or 80 minutes.
WATERBLOCK® Goes Above and Beyond
Ha. We scoff at the 40- to 80-minute limitation! That’s because SolRX products remain almost fully effective after eight hours of total water immersion. You heard that right. SolRX sunscreens don’t just meet FDA standards, they leave them far behind. We developed a water-resistant formula so powerful that we asked AMA Testing Labs to create a thorough, exhaustive test specially to measure its performance.
In fact, we told them this test had to be tougher than that of the FDA or any governmental agency in the world. This came to be called the 8-Hour Water Resistance/6-Hour Immersion Test. SolRX exceeded every expectation when its SPF 30 product was rated SPF 35.83 after eight hours in the water.
WATERBLOCK® Beats the Industry Standard
Since the 1990s, AMA Labs’ test has become the industry standard for sunscreen testing. And SolRX WATERBLOCK® technology, in all its different forms, across all product lines, continue to all be rated fully effective after eight hours in the water. Our sunscreen does not sweat off into your eyes or wash away after hours of use. Whether your own in conditions of heat, snow, ice, or water, you’re totally covered. We mean that literally. We’re as close to waterproof as you’re going to get.
Like you, we love the sun, and we think everyone should be able to enjoy it safely. That’s one of the reasons we are so committed to creating a product that’s verifiably effective under the most stringent conditions. Our standards are voluntarily higher than the FDA's. That means with SolRX WATERBLOCK® Technology you can truly enjoy your outdoor activities and know that you’re protecting your skin in the best way possible.