5 Dermatologist Secrets To Save Your Summer

Secret #1: Any SPF over 60 is a waste.
Any dermatologist can tell you that SPF stands for Sunscreen Protection Factor. The SPF number represents for how long it will take for the sun’s rays to begin to burn your skin. In theory, wearing 30 SPF would take 30 times longer to get to a burn than wearing nothing. And 80 SPF equals 80 times, etc. So, more is better right? Not so fast.
In order for sunscreen to work properly it must be applied properly. That means applying before you go outside, using a generous amount, and re-applying about every two hours. But here’s the problem, most people don’t do any of those things. Which means, they get a false sense of security from very high SPF numbers. In fact, the FDA is proposing capping sunscreen labels at SPF 60 for this very reason. So, you are better off with a quality, long lasting sunscreen like SolRX Sport SPF 50. Stop chasing SPF 80, 100, or more. Bigger is not better.
Secret #2: Some sunscreen chemicals are really bad for you.
Scientists have found that the chemicals in many sunscreens can damage coral reefs. To be better environmental stewards, leading sunscreen makers like SolRX and Watermans make reef friendly sunscreens that use naturally occurring minerals to help protect our oceans.
Now, new research suggests that these same chemicals, namely Oxybenzone, may cause hormone disruption in humans. This can be particularly dangerous for young women. Which is problematic, because lots of sunscreens still use Oxybenzone, particularly those found in popular ‘cosmetic’ brands.
Fortunately, there are great alternatives for sun protection! Look for labels that read – Mineral, Zinc, Oxybenzone-Free or Reef Safe/Reef Friendly. Stay healthy and active this summer, and leave chemicals like Oxybenzone on the store shelf.
Secret #3: You can put on makeup over sunscreen.
Dermatologist Bruce Katz was interviewed by makeup.com for tips on using sunscreen with make up – here’s what he had to say.
Regarding application Dr. Katz recommends, ““For maximum protection, sunscreen should be applied directly onto skin, underneath any makeup. He goes farther, suggesting waiting a few minutes before applying foundation.
When asked about the best types of sunscreen for use with makeup he said, “Zinc oxide and titanium oxide are physical sunscreens rather than chemical sunscreens. They provide a physical barrier to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays; it’s like wearing a mask. Plus, you can apply this sunscreen under your foundation — it even acts as a primer.” SolRX offers a full line of Mineral based sunscreens that go on easy and stay in place.
But you may be thinking, ‘my makeup has SPF in it’. Dr Katz has thoughts. “Don’t rely on makeup for the best source of SPF as it’s notoriously unreliable in terms of the level of protection.”
To sum up: Yes, you can wear sunscreen and makeup. No, makeup with SPF won’t cut it alone.
Secret #4: The sun can age your skin, even when you don’t get burned.
Did you know there are two kinds of sun rays? UVA and UVB. And they both damage skin, just in different ways. The easiest way to remember is UVA causes Aging. While UVB causes Burning. But most people only worry about getting a sunburn, and don’t realize the long term injury they are doing to their skin.
So any ol’ sunscreen isn’t enough. To be truly protected, you need a Broad Spectrum sunscreen. This class of sunscreens has you covered for both today and tomorrow. Trust us, choose a broad spectrum sunscreen like these from SolRX, and ‘tomorrow you’ will owe ‘today you’ a round of drinks.
Secret #5: Your lips are a cancer risk.
Your lips are a very important and sensitive part of your body. Your looks. Your smile. Your kiss-ability. All are framed by your lips. So, start treating them with a little love.
If you live a healthy and active outdoor life, your lips are vulnerable to sun damage. Lip protection with a quality SPF 30 lip balm is critical. The leading cause of lip cancer is UV radiation from the sun. Men get it more than women, possibly because women tend to use lip products more regularly. However, cosmetic lip products don’t offer the same UV protection as dedicated SPF lip balms.
But there’s a simple answer to sun damage and cancer risk. Whenever you use sunscreen, also use a lip balm with SPF. Keep those lips kissable and don’t forget the lip!
Choose a quality sunscreen like SolRX and safeguard your Summer!